
fan is a utility built for Toshiba Pentium machines by a volunteer for Linux as pointed to by the http://www.linux-laptop.net/ utilities patches and files.

I hope you can find what you want there.

At 12:19 PM 9/8/2001, Tom Allison wrote:

"fan -n"????
I have noticed that my IBM notebook runs HOT!!
Is there a fan function available fo an A21m?????

John Jeffers wrote:
I've actually fried a hard drive in a Toshiba in nearly the same circumstance as you mention progressive mistakes when hot cold fsck's then death. Toshiba laptop fan's are software driven and not hardware driven like Compaq Armanda's. So under Linux the fan never comes on as it does in windoze.
So now I run fan -n on the Toshiba

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