Hi, for the third time, now I have experienced troubles with the hard disk in the SONY VAIO Z600TEK. When starting the machine I had to do a `fsck' and lost some files. As far as I can reconstruct the circumstances, this usually happened after some task causing a heavy CPU load for some amount of time (e.g. burning a MP3 to a CD). I suppose this made the CPU very hot and since the machine is very small and tightly build, the heat couldn't dissolve fast enough, reached the hard drive and changed the drive geometry. Than booting with a cold hdd caused the problem. But this is just guessing. Do you have similar experiences or a better explanation.
Werner -- |=| Werner Heuser = Keplerstr. 11A = D-10589 Berlin = Germany |=| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> T. +49-30-3495386 |=| http://MobiliX.org Linux-Mobile-Guide |=| http://Xtops.DE Laptops und PDAs mit Linux