On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 09:50:50PM +0100, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> You can try minimalistic window managers such as wm2, flwm, lwm...  I
> doubt that it will help, though.  Your problem is your choice of
> application software -- I'm surprised that it runs at all :-) Check
> out galeon (sorry, no .deb yet).  If you don't mind non-free, look at
> opera (.deb on www.opera.com).

galeon is available as a .deb, most recently:
in non-US/main.

I've had great luck with galeon on my laptop (admittedly not one with scarce
resources). It loads and runs faster than mozilla, netscape, and konqueror.
I believe skipstone is even a little faster than galeon (also uses gecko
rendering engine).

Still, w3m wins out for speed and memory if you don't need a graphical UI.


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