On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, Barry Pretsell wrote:
> I'm running Debian potato on an IBM Thinkpad 365X 24MB RAM, which has a
> Cyber Trident 9320 display card (has 1Mb on board).
> I have tried fvwm, fvwm2, icewm, and wdm. I have tried mozilla as a
> browser and it takes 3-4 minutes to display anything. Of course I could
> use lynx, but I really would like to get some graphic browser working.
firstly change yer 'poxy' lext browser to something good like 'links'.
There is a debian package for this, it does fames and lots of other nice
things.  Its also smaller and faster (from what I remember when I used
lynx in the past). :)

> can anyone recommend a windows manager/browser which may run faster than
> the dog I'm running now.
window manager wise I would recommend uwm (also known as ude too,
http://udeproject.sourceforge.net/), although it looks like not much is
happening, the CVS folder is usually busy :)  It runs well in a small
screen area (eg 800x600 or even less) as it doesn't use the regualar
window manager icons in the window title bar, instead you get a
hexagon-tiled menu of things to do.  Its written in pure Xlib, which means
that the code is small and very fast, it also has no other package
dependies as a result.

If not that one then I would use blackbox, nice and fast also, however
give ude/uwm a try, you probably won't like it at first but after a day or
two you will think its greats.  :)

As for a web browser, opera is good and with an advert zapper the ads
disappear (use junkbuster, on that much memory you won't be using squid
with adzap :) ).  Konquerer is ment to be good but I don't know as I
haven't used it.


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