Philipp Bliedung wrote:
> Hi
> I'm going to move to a new laptop pretty soon. My question:
> Can I simply "move" all the software to the new one? (Well, except for
> the XConfig and other hardware stuff like sound, 3D, etc...)
> My biggest concern is that I have to install all the packages again that
> are on my laptop rigth now. What about programs that I compiled myself -
> do I have to compile them again?
> I have a lot of packages from woody and sid and I really don't feel like
> getting them again (I only have potato stuff on CD) - I really want to
> avoid that, especially because it took me a long time to configure
> everything.
> Thanks for you help!

In the past I have found it easier to use dpkg --get-selections and dpkg
--set-selections after installing a base set of things on my new laptop.

After that I copy personal stuff across and put it into the appropriate 
I usually take the opportunity to try and reorganise things a bit more sensibly 
last time too :-)

           Andrew McMillan, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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