> Hi
> I'm going to move to a new laptop pretty soon. My question:
> Can I simply "move" all the software to the new one? (Well, except for
> the XConfig and other hardware stuff like sound, 3D, etc...)
> My biggest concern is that I have to install all the packages again that
> are on my laptop rigth now. What about programs that I compiled myself -
> do I have to compile them again?
> I have a lot of packages from woody and sid and I really don't feel like
> getting them again (I only have potato stuff on CD) - I really want to
> avoid that, especially because it took me a long time to configure
> everything. 

Yes, you probably can tarball them up and transplant it onto a new system.
The main things to look out for:

1. The kernel features have to still be able to boot the new one
2. don't forget to tweak /etc/fstab, /etc/lilo.conf and rerun lilo
3. You can move all that stuff anyway, it's merely that things which depend
   on the hardware for sure will be broken until you fix their configs.  
4. don't tarball up the /proc filesystem (hey, why is <memsize> of my disk
5. make sure your new partitions are big enough
        a. esp. if you're changing the layout.
        b. But, don't squish the new box's suspend to disk partition.

> Thanks for you help!
> Philipp

Best of Luck

* Heather Stern * star@ many places...

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