I have a Toshiba 430CDT laptop, and I installed the
base system of Potato on the machine, which seemed to
go OK. A few things I do not understand, even after
reading all the documentation I could digest.

1. It has a Motorola Marquis ethernet modem PCMCIA
card, which is one of the supported cards.

2. At home I can access my ISP via either modem or

3. I downloaded the base system on my other machine,
transfered it to another hard drive partition, and
installed from that.

Sooooo.. what I don't understand is

4. Why it tells me I don't seem to be using PCMCIA,
when clearly I plan to and I have a PCMCIA card
already in the slot.

5. How I am supposed to upgrade and install more
packages. All of the documentation says not to install
other modules that you don't need for the base
install, so I have no modules installed for my DSL or
modem. Fine, but now in the install it asks how I want
to download packages. The choices are CD, which I
don't have, or http/ftp, neither of which will work
until I get the DSL (or modem) working.

6. My best guess is that I am going to have to
manually load the drivers for the modem, configure the
modem, then figure out a way to get the DSL drivers
working and get the DSL on line before I can go and
get more packages.

7. Did I mess up the installation? Should I have
installed those modules as part of the base install
even though it said not to? Is there a more direct or
easier way to do this?

Thanks much.


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