On Sun, 29 Apr 2001, Douglas Bridges wrote:

> I had noticed that problem myself when trying to suspend my A20m. Where do
> you fix the problem (I am pretty new to debian, been a long time mdk user)?

I now believe, based on the mail from Tino Keitel on this list, that it
may be a kernel issue: may I ask which kernel you're using? 

In any case, the lines in question are in /etc/apm/apmd_proxy:

if [ "$1,$2" = "standby,system" -o "$1,$2" = "suspend,system" ]; then
    if on_ac_power >/dev/null; then
    # Reject system suspends and standbys if we are on AC power
        exit 1  # Reject (NOTE kernel support must be enabled)
   # otherwise fall through and call the scripts!

I removed the '-o "$1,$2" = "suspend,system" ' to make Fn-F4 work.

Personally, I think the whole test is flawed - the system suspends anyway,
so the pre-suspend scripts should still be called. If you want to reject
suspends when on AC, it has to happen before this point, IMO, because as
far as I can tell, by this point you are already committed. 

Anyone care to shed any light on this? Is this a bug in the kernel, or
apmd, or the debian apmd_proxy system?

As I understand it:

,-----.      ,--------.      ,------.     .------------.     ,---------.
| H/W | <--> | Kernel | <--> | apmd | --> | apmd_proxy | --> | event.d |
`-----'      `--------'      `------'     `------------'     `---------'

"whip me, beat me, make me administer aix!" -andrew

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