Hi - just a heads up: 

I upgraded to woody recently, and discovered a quirk in the apmd_proxy
script: It short circuits and ignores system suspend events when
on_ac_power returns true: This has the unfortunate effect of not
shutting down the alsa-sound stuff and misc other things, which
unfortunately means that when the laptop resumes [after a fn-F4], all the
stuff which should have been brought back to life safely is borked, and
needs to be restarted.

I've fixed it [for myself] by removing the short-circuit for
system-suspend when on ac, but perhaps the script should dispatch events
to 2 directories - one for things you want to do when on battery, and one
for things that should happen when on ac power....

Apart from that, everything seems to have worked fine: [well, I haven't
checked pcmcia - I'll have to borrow a card off someone and test it - and 
maybe irda works reliably now... have to test that too]

Come, Goratrix, we must return to the chantry to prepare for tomorrow night!
What are we gonna do tomorrow night, Tremere?
The same thing we do every night, Goratrix: Try to Take Over The World!

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