On Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 09:43:30PM -0800, Jim Nutt wrote:
>  > 
>  > Did it autodetect using pnp or will I have to set isapnp=0 ?
> It's not pnp. In fact, as far as I can tell, nothing on the 490
> is. That should have been !isapnp by the way, not !isapno <sigh>.

Good, that means the kernel was telling the truth when it said it couldn't
find any pnp devices :)

One last question, does your sound restart after a suspend-resume cycle?  I
often found that sound would not be reset after resuming (though I tried to
reset it using the /etc/apm facilities), and so I'd have to restart it by
hand.  Not hard to do, just irritating. 


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