On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 11:56:33AM -0700, Joel Dudley wrote: > Hello all, > I have 2.2.17/sid running pretty well on my Toshiba Satellite Pro 4300 > laptop minus sound and modem support (yamaha pci sound, lucent winmodem). I > tried to install the 2.4.2 kernel because I know that it supports my sound > card. However, after I load the kernal nothing works because the kernel > detects several devices on IRQ 11. In the BIOS IRQ 11 is used for the PCI > bus and I am not able to change that (crappy BIOS :-( ) why would 2.2.17 > work fine with the PCI BUS and 2.4.2 freak out and not find my devices? It > actually finds the yamaha sound card but complains about IRQ use. Thanks.
Try using setpci. I don't remember exactly what it can do, but it might let you reconfig a PCI device to use a different IRQ. It's in the pciutils package, IIRC. -- #define X(x,y) x##y Peter Cordes ; e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] , ns.ca) "The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours! Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BCE