-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Why yes, it should. For some reason, it is setting the $DEVICE variable to xircon_tulip_cb instead of eth0 and ttySx like it should. I am tempted to try to cludge this....
Mark Demma 415.983.0467 Home 415.725.3472 Mobile http://www.demma.net "Apathy is tyranny's greatest ally." On 3 Nov 2000, Mikael Hedin wrote: > Shouldn't it be "./network start eth0" ans "./serial start ttyS2"? > > /Micce > -- > Mikael Hedin, MSc +46 (0)980 79176 > Swedish Institute of Space Physics +46 (0)980 73547 (home) > S-Box 812, 981 28 KIRUNA, Sweden +46 (0)980 79050 (fax) > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBOgMXUKsy97xeIU49AQHBvAP/WX/otJGEJppmgA0y6fdublGSH0stFwZp LtK1lP7cCN70DAb/M/aaSII3cyOHsjxpY8HHRuBrOELyTLP9vha6uWqGfaCpL6m/ vcLhkATnjsvegYFGCl36at/7W4x4y6qZPPEoOzBz4GgJitwJLHephXpqgCbt9Mgn 4Eg30p1ghvM= =8A1U -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----