On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 09:08:57AM +1000, Martin Schwenke wrote:
> * WinModem.  This is a Lucent one, with a binary only driver available
>   from http://linmodems.org/.  It is compiled against a Red Hat 2.2.12
>   kernel.  I can force load it but it oopses upon disconnect.  Not
>   happy!  PCMCIA modem suggested...

The Binarydriver runs with Kernel 2.2.14 on this machine.
2.2.15 oopses on connect.

nerd /n./
2. [jargon] Term of praise applied to someone who knows what's really
   important and interesting and doesn't care to be distracted by
   trivial chatter and silly status games.

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