On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 05:58:02AM -0400, Torgeir Hoffmann wrote:
> I am not very familiar with Debian on laptops, but I have planned to buy a
> Toshiba 2180. Do anyone know what problems I will face ? Is this laptop a
> good choice ? Where can I find a configuration ? (or can I make one myself
> ?) And at last what packages is recommended ?

Debian 2.1 wasn't a good choice for my Toshiba Satellite 21??.
The Kernel on the bootable CD-ROM does not like my Toshiba NB,
it hangs. Maybe 2.2 isn't affected, i didn't try.

nerd /n./
2. [jargon] Term of praise applied to someone who knows what's really
   important and interesting and doesn't care to be distracted by
   trivial chatter and silly status games.

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