Thomas Gourgon wrote:
> Hi, here is what I am facing. I have a Fujitsu 635T running debian. The
> LCD on my machine allow me to use resolution up to 800X600 witch is jusk
> OK. The problem comes when I hook my external 19" monitor to it at 800x600
> it's just huge! how can I have two seperate resolution,one for LCD and the
> auther one for the external monitor?
I haven't tried a monitor under linux but under windows you simply go to
a higher resolution, the LCD turns off and the moniter becomes the only
output.  Then dropping back down the resolution activates the LCD.

This is how my laptop works and my friends laptops, the ones I have used
on a monitor.


**       ((__))   Alexander "Jim diGriz" Clouter
 \\      ((oo))
  \\------\\//       e-mail: alexander . clouter @ ic . ac . uk
   ||      ||                (remove those spaces to e-mail me) 
   ~~~    ~~~        equip : 300Mhz Celeron Laptop running
  Cow during an                      Debian Linux

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