
#  Hi, here is what I am facing. I have a Fujitsu 635T running debian. The
#  LCD on my machine allow me to use resolution up to 800X600 witch is jusk
#  OK. The problem comes when I hook my external 19" monitor to it at 800x600  
#  it's just huge! how can I have two seperate resolution,one for LCD and the
#  auther one for the external monitor?

  If your card supports higher resolutions (should be told in the
computer's doc) and the driver supports them too and the higher
resolution modes are defined in the file /etc/X11/XF86Config, you
should be able to switch modes with the key combination
Ctrl-Alt-<Numeric+> and Ctrl-Alt-<Numeric->.

  The available modes are defined by lines like :

Modeline "1024x768"     95.00   1024 1092 1212 1396    768  772  780  819

  in /etc/X11/XF86Config


     (I have never seen it happen, but ...)

  ** It is probably a good idea to read the Linux XFree86 HOWTO (I
     think it comes in the doc-linux debian packages). Advice/help
     from people next to you may help too.

  ** Don't forget to backup your /etc/X11/XF86Config before doing
     anything that may change it.

  ** I have very rarely used a monitor with my laptop, and only with
     the same modes that I usually use. I am totally ignorant of the
     issues raised by configuring X for both a the built-in display
     and an exterior monitor. (that's a disclaimer)

  Did you configure yourself X? If you did (e.g. with XF86Setup and
xvidtune), maybe you can do it again with the monitor connected rather
than the LCD.

  Hope that helps,


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