Am 2005-05-24 13:28:04, schrieb Ian Greenhoe:
> There are several solutions that I can see:
> 1)  Have the mailserver reject the first delivery attempt by a non-list
> recipient.  (Or, for that matter, the first delivery attempt of *any*
> mail.)

<> should be easyly reached by all $USER and
most newcomers do not know, how to subscribe to mailinglists.

> 2)  Require that someone who is not on the list to respond to an
> automatic response.

Most people I know (including myself) send challange-reponses
to /dev/null (I get every day such bullshit)

> 3) Reject non-subscribed senders.

Not acceptable.

> #1 will probably induce an unacceptable load on the mailserver.
> #2 will induce some load, but at the listserv level.
> #3 will probably have the least load, but will prevent non-subscribers
> from asking questions.
> -Ian


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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