Hello Michael, Am 2005-05-24 20:38:19, schrieb Michael Marsh:
> Requiring people to subscribe in order to post is worse than annoying. > If a mailing list requires subscription to post, and I'm not > generally interested in the list traffic, I won't post, because the > list traffic is unacceptable. In the case of one software package I > use, that's the only way of providing any feedback to the authors. > Consequently, though I have suggestions for improving the software, I > don't send them in. Similarly, to file a bug report for gcc, you have > to sign up for a bugzilla account. I'm not going to deal with another > account (and another password), just to gripe about silliness in g++. > > Your main avenue for communication with your user base *must* be open, > or there's little point in making your software open. It can be a > mailing list, a newsgroup, a comment address, or a web form, but if > users have to join a "club" to contact you, you've done something > wrong. FullACK I do not know the whole performance of <murphy.d.o> but I filter per week around 3000 SPAM-Messages coming via the <lists.d.o> and those SPAM-Mails are curently importet into a postgresql for analysis. I try to get ridoff this messages by using less resources in SPAM- Filters. I think, many of those SPAMs, can easyly filtered on <murphy.d.o>. OK, there must be at leas on responsible for updating the filters, but... Greetings Michelle -- Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 ICQ #328449886 50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi 0033/3/88452356 67100 Strasbourg/France IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)
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