|| On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 09:28:44 +0100 (CET)
|| Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

at> On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Dawood Morady Garawand wrote:
>> Or perhaps resume2=swap:/dev/hda2?!!
at> It just doesn't matter whether you add the "swap:" before the device
at> or if you use "resume" or "resume2" - it all works if you only have a
at> working grub entry: The removal of my newly baken 2.6.10 kernel package
at> just removed the /vmlinuz symlink (instead of replacing it by the
at> /vmlinuz.old or whatever).  So this part of the problem is solved and
at> was caused by my own stupidity.

at> But the other part of the problem is, that the "normal" boot kernel
at> entry now just resumes from SwSusp2 instead of doing a new boot as
at> it did before.  We might discuss about the sense of the attempt to
at> boot from scratch after a SwSuspend but it just worked before and
at> I tried to uses that (more or less for testing purpose).

at> I found out that the journals of the ext3fs are not completely written
at> before the SwSusp2 which seems to be the reason for my fsck problems
at> with kernel 2.6.10 - I might just have mixed up something.  Fiddling
at> around with this I just found out the 1742th way how to destroy your
at> boot partition: I tried booting a Debian packaged kernel (2.6.8) which
at> "solved" the fsck errors on the SwSuspended box and afterwards tried
at> again my own kernel (2.6.9) which tried to resume from SwSusp and
at> obviousely found a different state on the disk and did some other
at> "repairing" steps which left me with a broken /bin/mount and some other
at> broken files in /bin (perhaps more).  I'm currently doint an
at> "apt-get --reinstall install <everything>" ...

at> So after this excurse about another elegant method to break your system:
at> IMHO it is a bug that the file system is left in an inconsistent state
at> when doing a SwSuspend.  How can I prevent this?

While I was looking for swsusp2 I found a interesting entry in FAQ
about booting with normal kernels. I'm attaching it here:


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