|| On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 21:05:37 -0400
|| Derek Broughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

db> On Thu, 2005-24-02 at 16:52 -0300, Otavio Salvador wrote:
>> But in this case, it's not swsusp2 failt but hibernate script fault. I
>> think you can hack it to do a sync before hibernate the system and
>> then you solve this issue. The problem described there isn't it but
>> the wrong use of swap when you did a suspend and try to load it with a
>> normal kernel...
>> I'm wrong?

db> I think so.  The "problem" is that swsusp2 remakes a swap partition into
db> something else, and the regular kernel can't do anything about it.  I
db> don't know what the solution is, but it's a pretty serious flaw that
db> really needs a solution that can be applied when you _create_ a suspend
db> partition, regardless of what other kernels exist.

I think it can't be easy solved because the 'normal' kernel doesn't
know anything about swap patition changed for swsusp2 and that's why
it continue loading.

I think the better way to fix it, at last, the available right now, is
on init scripts because it always run and are kernel
independent. That's looks like the reason why SuSE provided it in this

        O T A V I O    S A L V A D O R
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