*- On  9 Nov, R. Poss wrote about "Re: Hibernation"
> Hello,
>      I have been trying to get hibernation mode working on several
> different laptops of different brands (IBM, Toshiba), and unfortunately
> there is (apparently) no way to have it work under linux. I expect some
> messy APM BIOS hook into m$-win, for which I have (yet) not found any
> documentation/specification. Moreover, I have been asking some IBM people
> who told be that the hibernation file must be located on a DOS partition,
> and that it cannot be recognized (I am not sure of it, the explanation
> was very inaccurate) when not running DOS.
>       Although this last fact is quite IBM-specific (for Toshiba's I
> have only seen dedicated partitions on the disk for the hibernation
> space), I suspect that the APM BIOS is quite stuck when the Linux kernel
> is loaded and running.
> For short, the built-in "hibernation mode" in our laptops is, in many
> cases, quite unuseable with Linux. (Any success with other models/brands
> would be appreciated, I'd really like to know if there are any)

I have a Sony Vaio F-340 laptop that works well with the builtin
hybernation feature.  It too contains a special partition on the drive 
in which it writes the memory footprint to.  I can even trigger it with
the Fn-F12 key combination that is builtin.  The bios is an APCI(?) bios
which has an APM compatibility mode since the linux APM daemon works
well with it. APM respects the various bios settings like LCD close ->
suspend, etc.  I have noticed a few times that the machine locks up if
suspended a second time.  I don't know what is to blame for this but I
haven't really had time to investigate. 

Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering              |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University                   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

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