[via November archive, R. Poss replies to David Goodyear]
>     I have been trying to get hibernation mode working on several
>different laptops of different brands (IBM, Toshiba), and unfortunately
>there is (apparently) no way to have it work under linux. I expect some
>messy APM BIOS hook into m$-win, for which I have (yet) not found any
>documentation/specification. Moreover, I have been asking some IBM people
>who told be that the hibernation file must be located on a DOS partition,
>and that it cannot be recognized (I am not sure of it, the explanation
>was very inaccurate) when not running DOS.

I have a Ricoh Magio (which I am told Europeans are sold as the Thinkpad 
235 - at any rate, it has a Thinkpad-like BIOS) and I can tell you, yeah,
that's innacurate.

All you need is a FAT filesystem of sufficient size to hold the hibernate
volume.  It does not need to have a working copy of DOS, or anything else
on it.  My 96 Mb box uses a little over 99 M for its hibernate volume,
which shows up (if you look at it via DOS, or mount it up) as a hidden file.
In theory one could hibernate while doing something interested, then awaken
and look at the dump, but I've never actually looked that deeply.  (I'm
a userland type myself.)

What I do not know, because I set it up correctly early on, is whether it
needs to be the first partition, or whether you can just use ext2resize
and sacrifice a scrap of your /tmp volume to it.

>        Although this last fact is quite IBM-specific (for Toshiba's I
>have only seen dedicated partitions on the disk for the hibernation
>space), I suspect that the APM BIOS is quite stuck when the Linux kernel
>is loaded and running.

Btw I always suspended fine before I got it figured out;  only hibernate
needs the file.

>For short, the built-in "hibernation mode" in our laptops is, in many
>cases, quite unuseable with Linux. (Any success with other models/brands
>would be appreciated, I'd really like to know if there are any)

Ricoh Magio E works great.  Well supported video.  Haven't played with
sound yet (too busy) but am told it's an ESS AudioDrive 1879, and a friend
who also has a Magio has sound working, so even if that's wrong, whatever 
it has is something that Linux supports.

>        However, Tobias Bachmor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> reported the
>existence of a "hibernation feature" for the kernel. I am using this
>feature daily, and it works quite well. Explanations on it follow.
>For any people that actually rely on the use of an "hibernation mode",
>this kernel feature does a good job and can, in most cases, replace nearly
>completely the built-in feature of the laptop. See also below for the
>present bugs and caveats.

I have not tried this; not sure it's worth getting a mere 100 MB back.
The question is whether this can add full hibernation to older laptops
which only did suspend?  That'd be cool.

-* Heather Stern * Starshine Technical Services * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *-

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