I use the pcmcia scheme option: once I set it up cardctl scheme new_scheme will do.
It's no perfect, but it works for me. graziano On Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 03:43:14PM -0600, Nathan Duehr wrote: > Anyone had good luck getting a laptop running Debian to run in various > Ethernet and dial-up environments? Currently my laptop works wonderfully > at home, but the office network uses DHCP (and home does not), as well as > I'd like to be able to dial into the home network when I'm on the road. > > I messed around with a package that claimed to make this easier, but it > was a little beyond me as to what it was doing to my PCMCIA setup and I > never did get it working the way I wanted to. > > Is there a "killer app" for doing this type of thing out there? > > +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------+ > | Nate Duehr - [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Support Amateur Radio & Linux! | > | Private Pilot, Telephony Engineer | Ham Callsign: N0NTZ | > | UNIX Hack, Perl Hack, Tech-Freak | Grid Square: DM79 | > | | "May the Source be with you." | > +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------+ > | HamRadio and Linux mailing lists available for interested parties: | > | http://www.natetech.com/mailman/listinfo | > +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] >