Anyone had good luck getting a laptop running Debian to run in various
Ethernet and dial-up environments?  Currently my laptop works wonderfully
at home, but the office network uses DHCP (and home does not), as well as
I'd like to be able to dial into the home network when I'm on the road.

I messed around with a package that claimed to make this easier, but it
was a little beyond me as to what it was doing to my PCMCIA setup and I
never did get it working the way I wanted to.  

Is there a "killer app" for doing this type of thing out there?

| Nate Duehr - [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | Support Amateur Radio & Linux! |
| Private Pilot, Telephony Engineer |  Ham Callsign: N0NTZ           |
| UNIX Hack, Perl Hack, Tech-Freak  |  Grid Square: DM79             |
|                                   | "May the Source be with you."  |
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