On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 06:39:38PM -0400, Bill Gladney wrote:
> I see all kinds of help files.....in here on this site.....but noticed
> there is not one piece of info on how to get this program off a
> computer...maybe 'cause it's impossible to do.....or what...if
> possible....how...?....oh yeah..got to by pass user ID and password
> also...'cause I don't have  a clue as to what they were...thought I
> was getting a deal on a laptop...but wound up with this mess...have no
> idea what this operating system is all about...but I know I don't want
> it on this computer...got to be a scientist to use it....and I thought
> Win XP was bad....and DOS ....hah....If you all can help me give me a
> holler....if not....I'll rip the hdd out....and go get
> another...thanx...Bill G.


Just to be sure... I haven't seen any replies from you so far, only two
posts, one on debian-user, one on debian-laptop. I don't know if you are
subscribed to the list or if you read the archives. If you have, ignore
this message. If not:

You have had a lot of replies from both lists. Some are helpful to
remove Debian, some are helpful to learn Debian. Anyway, go to


and read the follow-ups.

If you were to replace the harddrive, please let us know. A lot of
people would want to have it, as there is nothing wrong with it at all.


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