On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 09:46:27AM +0200, Stefan Rotsch wrote:
> Am Die, 2003-07-08 um 17.51 schrieb Hugh Saunders:
> Hello Hugh,
> > Im attempting to run a laptop [vaio PCG-F304] without a hard disk. The
> > plan is to have the root fs on a CF disk in a pcmcia adapter.
> Have you ever thought about an IDE-CF adapter? It allows replacing the
> laptop's internal HD with a CF card (I hope there is space for an
> internal HD in your laptop). The BIOS threatens such an adapter-CF-combo
> as a "regular" HD, so you can boot your laptop without any additional
> floppies or CD-ROMs. IMHO a quite inexpensive solution (google says
> about $20), which could save you the time for figuring out how to fit
> all the modules required for PCMCIA on a floppy.
yeah, i had seen those on cfide.co.uk and that will be my last
solution, but i hope its possible without!

thanks for the suggestion,


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