Hello Bob !

Thank you and also Hubert, Jan, Jonathan, Shawn for your answers !
I suppose this is a late reply on my request to debian-laptop from Oct 22 ?:

Bob Hilliard  (Samstag, 7. Dezember 2002 13:52 ) : 
> Shawn Lamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I just put in a new HD (80Gigs of which only 32G are used currently
> > b/c<br> my bios is old) and I put Win2k on the first 15 Gigs; then a Lin
> > Swap<br> drive of 512Megs; then my Debian install of Sarge on various
> > partitions<br>

Different people agreed that one would need not more than about 6 to max. 12 
GB for running both Win2000 and Linux, depending on what will be installed, 
and the smallest without too much user-data, i suppose. 

Now I've just installed Debian Woody 3.0 with KDE and GNOME and Enlightment ( 
activated in 2 user-accounts ),  and a lot of net-stuff, and Documentation 
like info2www and dwww with apache. This uses about 1,5 GB by now.
/var is on a 500 MB extra-partition ( I will install wwwoffle soon, which may 
fill up its cache in /var up to more than 200 MB ).
I used to install both OpenOffice and Staroffice in /opt which makes together 
about 400 MB.
( Someday maybe stuff like GIS or a Java-RE, but I didn't consider yet.)
Pictures and docs will be stored on a exchange-partition, which i count to 
neither linux nor win here. 
So, in the end my configuration will need about 2 GB for the 'personal'  
system-installation + 500 MB /var,  + 500 MB /tmp, + 500 MB swap
which makes in summary about 3,5 GB for Linux,  without any exchange-data.

For Win2000 i provided 3 GB, since i will use it rather extensivley.

The exchange-partition is 500 MB ( which maybe too less, 
however it's possible to expand this or linux still into free space ).

For my purposes ( desktop and some networks ), minimal 7 GB for both OS and 
some 'usual' desktop-data will be enough this time.*



*There is an additional ( laptop-specific ) hibernation-partition of 500 MB.

On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 07:34:18PM +0200, mw wrote:
> Hello List.
> I am trying to buy a used laptop on ebay next time, but there's one 
> question i'm quite unsure yet.
> I would like to install both linux (debian ) and windows ( probably 2000 ) 
> because i want to use it for networking exercises with my good old desktop 
> box here.
> I wonder how much disk space i will need. 
> I remember someone recommended to give win2000 about 10 GB. 
> But I would not need word or excell or such office stuff.

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