On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 06:38:42PM +0100, Nick wrote:
> I have Debian Woody 2.2 r3. I want to upgrade to debian Potato 2.2 r5.
> Can somebody explain the upgrading process.
> Nick
Type (as root) apt-setup ; chose the debian mirror , which is nearest to you.
After that type "apt-get update;apt-get upgrade"

Should work fine :)

Michael "carstein" Melewski      |      "One day, he said, in a taped segment   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     |       that suggested chemical interrogation,
mobile: 502 545 913              |       everything had gone gray."
gpg: carstein.c.pl/carstein.txt  |       -- Corto , 'Neuromancer'

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