Replies interspersed below (damn Outlook!)
# -----Original Message-----
# From: Heather [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
# I usually do this by creating a directory named "disabled" under the
# relevant runlevel, and moving the symlink in there.
Good idea!
# Warning: updating the relevant package will put the stupid link back.
# Much better: add into your /etc/network/interfaces, in the stanza for
# this interface --
# noauto
Thanks, you've added to my Debian armamentarium!
# If you want to make custom runlevels, I *deeply* recommend
# that you make up runlevels 7, 8, or 9 and use them.
# Our init supports these because it's easier to honor
# all the digits than ignore 3 of them. Our scripts don't
# automagically put cruft in them during package updates -- I
# think. Some might. It's still easier to keep track of
# your own that way.
# The "2 without network" "3 is normal multiuser" "4 for X support"
# "5 is most GUI-ful" layout for sysvinit predates Linux
# itself. In those setups, you actually progressed *through*
# the runlevels, not *to* a specific one.
# * Heather Stern * star@ many places...
You are indeed a star of the first magnitude, Heather.
Question: I didn't realize that Debian and RedHat were different
in this regard. Where can I find the best description of the
following items:
o Debian init process
o All those little auto-config apps (e.g. update-modules),
the input files they use, and the output files they affect
o The files tromped on by apt-upgrades
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