I have an IPC Top H Notebook with the "famous" SiS chipset which is in several new laptops (gericom, ipc, ...). I had no problems installing Debian on it, but since I updated to woody i have a big problem with my SiS900 network device! The hardware is found by the kernel without any problem, but when the System "Configures the network devices" the whole boot-process stops for about a minute and the kernel says "Media Link Off". Then everything goes on as it should - but ONE minute delay on a laptop is a very long time (its being booted and halted several times a day!).
This brehavior is new to me, but it appears with kernel 2.2.19pre as well as 2.4.3!
Can anybody help me solve the problem and "speed up" my boot-time???
Franz Keferböck

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