LinuxKnight wrote:
> The networking works fine, but I can't get the modem to work. I know it
> does work, because a while ago, I had both network and modem working in
> RedHat 6.1. Then I upgraded to 6.2 shortly after it came out, and the
> modem stopped working- network still worked.
> If anyone can give pointers for getting the modem part working (while not
> sacrificing the networking obviously ;-) ) I would appreciate it.
I too got bitten by this one. Fortunately, it is a *very* easy fix. All
that needs done is open the /etc/pcmcia/config.opts in an editor, find the
lines that say:
# Extra port range for IBM Token Ring
include port 0xa00-0xaff
and comment out that second line. Restart the PCMCIA services, and the
modem should now work.
What's happening is that "include port" line is reserving that range of
ports for an IBM token ring adaptor. Unfortunately, that's the port range
that the modem portion of the Linksys card needs to use. So unless you have
a token ring card, you can safely comment out that line.
Mike Werner KA8YSD | He that is slow to believe anything and
| everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E | for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.
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