Quoting Helge Kreutzmann (deb...@helgefjell.de):

> Again I appologize if I misinterpreted your silence. The translation
> was missing for quite some time, I contacted you but got no reply.
> Usually this means that the "last translator" is no longer responsive.
> What I overlooked was that you are also the package maintainer. 
> In case no response is coming in it is normal procedure to pick up the
> incomplete translation and recomplete it. Please note that I always
> CC'ed you.

What would be good is adding a "Language-Team" header in the PO file,
pointing to debian-l10n-german@lists.debian.org

As I wrote elsewhere, I think that all of us are fine with maintainers
translating themselves localizable material in their own
language. However, as maintainers change over time...while PO files
sometimes never change for years, it is better to have a fallback

The tool that is generally used to send calls for updates makes use
of that Language-Team field to send notices to this address, when
instructed to do so, so having PO files "properly" filled is warmly

The commonly accepted practice is still that Last-Translator gets
priority for updates, still. Of course, all this assumes that both
"sides" talk together..:-)

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