Hello Helge, et al.
First of all thanks for your offer, and sorry for my late (and maybe too
long) answer.
I don't have any "let's do this" solution but I can quickly explain how
french translation was handled.
The perkamon/man-pages project [1] is used to handle the infrastructure,
sharable with any language.
Next, the perkamon/man-pages-fr [2] is used to translate the manpages,
Finally comes Debian packaging, using perkamon as upstream.
[1] https://gitlab.com/perkamon/man-pages
[2] https://gitlab.com/perkamon/man-pages-fr
I became the de-facto perkamon (upstream) maintainer some month ago, and
I try to update it until 4.15. But I didn't (for the moment) move some
residual infra away from Alioth. Nor update the translations.
Baptiste Jammet did a work to move the content to gitlab:
I did not move anything to Gitlab. I just took over the maintenance of
but me personally would like to keep the
translation on project infrastructure, not some "free" other service.
I totally agree. But for the moment, perkamon can be seen as upstream,
so there is no hurry to move it to Salsa (which I would prefer btw).
willing to (learn how to) maintain this package and taffit kindly
to do the uploading magic (I'm a non-up DD).
If Thomas & taffit are ready to update the manpages-fr package, they
already could pull perkamon/man-pages-fr as of 4.15.
If not, I will be happy to have some help in the packaging, as I don't
have enough time for this at the moment.
For info, there is an archived repos of (the packaging of)
manpages-fr{,-extra} in alioth-archive [3].
[3] https://alioth-archive.debian.org/git/pkg-manpages-fr/