Le 13/05/2018 à 22:10, David Prévot a écrit :
> Salut,
> Javier nous informe que le dépôt et le format du manuel de sécurisation
> Debian ont changé. N’hésitez pas à reprendre la main si vous voulez.
> Amicalement
> David
> -------- Message transféré --------
> Sujet : Securing Debian Manual: new repository, format and handling of
> translations
> Date : Sun, 13 May 2018 21:30:29 +0200
> De : Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <>
> Dear colleague,
> You receive this email because in the past you worked or expressed interested
> in translating the "Securing Debian Manual" [1]. If you are not anymore int=
> erested in
> the translation this document there is no need for you to read further.
> I would like to share with you the news that, thanks to the hard work of
> Marcos Fouces, the manual has recently seen some important changes:
> - It has been converted to DocBook  XML (from debiandoc-sgml)
> - Translations are now handled using standard PO files. The existing
>   translations have all been migrated
> - Document is built using Publican (similar as to how the Debian handbook is
>   managed)
> - Repository is now on GIT, hosted on Salsa within the Debian
> Documentation Project team group:

 This is the currently status of translations:
> Language Translated      Not translated   Fuzzy         Total strings
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> de-DE          2388 99%       12 (0%)           4 (0%)        2404
> es-ES          903 37%        1501 (62%)        0 (0%)        2404
> fr-FR          2392 99%       12 (0%)           0 (0%)        2404
> it-IT          1378 57%       536 (22%)         490 (20%)     2404
> ja-JP          722 30%        1682 (69%)        0 (0%)        2404
> pt-BR          1479 61%       722 (30%)         203 (8%)      2404
> ru-RU          0 0%           2404 (100%)       0 (0%)        2404
> zh-CN          883 36%        951 (39%)         570 (23%)     2404
> If you would like to continue translating this document, please let me know
> and also tell me if you need to be added to the repository in Salsa
> (developer access). If you do not foresee working in the translation please
> also speak up, I will then contact your language's translation team in case
> there is any interesting in keeping the existing translation up to date.
> Thank you for your support in the translation of this document.
> Best regards
> Javier Fern=C3=A1ndez-Sanguino
> [1]

Suite au message de David, je vais prévenir Javier Fernández-Sanguino
Peña que je vais prendre (pour le moment) le relais, vu la modeste
charge de travail actuelle (12 chaînes à traduire réparties dans 5
fichiers .po).


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