
Javier nous informe que le dépôt et le format du manuel de sécurisation
Debian ont changé. N’hésitez pas à reprendre la main si vous voulez.



-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : Securing Debian Manual: new repository, format and handling of
Date : Sun, 13 May 2018 21:30:29 +0200
De : Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <>

Dear colleague,

You receive this email because in the past you worked or expressed interest=
in translating the "Securing Debian Manual" [1]. If you are not anymore int=
erested in
the translation this document there is no need for you to read further.

I would like to share with you the news that, thanks to the hard work of
Marcos Fouces, the manual has recently seen some important changes:

- It has been converted to DocBook  XML (from debiandoc-sgml)
- Translations are now handled using standard PO files. The existing
  translations have all been migrated
- Document is built using Publican (similar as to how the Debian handbook is
- Repository is now on GIT, hosted on Salsa within the Debian
Documentation Project team group:

For translators, this means that the standard PO4a mechanism is used to keep
translations up to date. Translating the document just requires the
translation of the associated PO files and keeping translations up to date =
also very simple (as "old" translations are flagged instantly).

If you are not familiar with Gettext you can find a good introduction here:

I am aware that the document is not as up to date as it could be and it
contains some obsolete information. I will try in the next coming months to
make some updates on the document but wanted to give you a heads up first.

This is the currently status of translations:

Language Translated      Not translated   Fuzzy         Total strings
de-DE    2388 99%       12 (0%)           4 (0%)        2404
es-ES    903 37%        1501 (62%)        0 (0%)        2404
fr-FR    2392 99%       12 (0%)           0 (0%)        2404
it-IT    1378 57%       536 (22%)         490 (20%)     2404
ja-JP    722 30%        1682 (69%)        0 (0%)        2404
pt-BR    1479 61%       722 (30%)         203 (8%)      2404
ru-RU    0 0%           2404 (100%)       0 (0%)        2404
zh-CN    883 36%        951 (39%)         570 (23%)     2404

If you would like to continue translating this document, please let me know
and also tell me if you need to be added to the repository in Salsa
(developer access). If you do not foresee working in the translation please
also speak up, I will then contact your language's translation team in case
there is any interesting in keeping the existing translation up to date.

Thank you for your support in the translation of this document.

Best regards

Javier Fern=C3=A1ndez-Sanguino

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Dear colleague,

You receive this email because in the past you worked or expressed interest=
in translating the "Securing Debian Manual" [1]. If you are not anymore int=
erested in
the translation this document there is no need for you to read further.

I would like to share with you the news that, thanks to the hard work of
Marcos Fouces, the manual has recently seen some important changes:

- It has been converted to DocBook  XML (from debiandoc-sgml)
- Translations are now handled using standard PO files. The existing
  translations have all been migrated
- Document is built using Publican (similar as to how the Debian handbook is
- Repository is now on GIT, hosted on Salsa within the Debian
Documentation Project team group:

For translators, this means that the standard PO4a mechanism is used to keep
translations up to date. Translating the document just requires the
translation of the associated PO files and keeping translations up to date =
also very simple (as "old" translations are flagged instantly).

If you are not familiar with Gettext you can find a good introduction here:

I am aware that the document is not as up to date as it could be and it
contains some obsolete information. I will try in the next coming months to
make some updates on the document but wanted to give you a heads up first.

This is the currently status of translations:

Language Translated      Not translated   Fuzzy         Total strings
de-DE    2388 99%       12 (0%)           4 (0%)        2404
es-ES    903 37%        1501 (62%)        0 (0%)        2404
fr-FR    2392 99%       12 (0%)           0 (0%)        2404
it-IT    1378 57%       536 (22%)         490 (20%)     2404
ja-JP    722 30%        1682 (69%)        0 (0%)        2404
pt-BR    1479 61%       722 (30%)         203 (8%)      2404
ru-RU    0 0%           2404 (100%)       0 (0%)        2404
zh-CN    883 36%        951 (39%)         570 (23%)     2404

If you would like to continue translating this document, please let me know
and also tell me if you need to be added to the repository in Salsa
(developer access). If you do not foresee working in the translation please
also speak up, I will then contact your language's translation team in case
there is any interesting in keeping the existing translation up to date.

Thank you for your support in the translation of this document.

Best regards

Javier Fern=C3=A1ndez-Sanguino


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