On passe donc en RFR2 avec le fichier ci-joint; merci à Thomas et Cédric.

++, Cheers,

# Copyright (C) 2013 DebConf Organizer Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Cover Letter package.
# Cédric Boutillier <cedric.boutill...@gmail.com>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Cover Letter 0.1339944783\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: debconf-t...@lists.debconf.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-05 11:15+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-05 11:17+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Cédric Boutillier <cedric.boutill...@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: French <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.4\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: cover-letter.en.tex:6
msgid "\\usepackage[english]{chextras}"
msgstr "\\usepackage[french]{chextras}"

#. type: Plain text
#: cover-letter.en.tex:6
msgid "\\usepackage[nodayofweek]{datetime}"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: cover-letter.en.tex:10
msgid ""
"\\def\\DCsignatureappendix{\\\\\\footnotesize on behalf of the DebConf13 "
"organisation team}"
msgstr ""
"\\def\\DCsignatureappendix{\\\\\\footnotesize au nom des organisateurs de la "

#. type: title{#1}
#: cover-letter.en.tex:14
msgid "\\textbf{Sponsoring the 2013 Annual Debian Conference}"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Devenir parrain de la conférence annuelle 2013 du projet Debian}"

#. type: letter
#: cover-letter.en.tex:18
msgid "{\\targetName\\\\\\targetAddress}"
msgstr "{\\targetName\\\\\\targetAddress}"

#. type: letter
#: cover-letter.en.tex:20
msgid "\\object"
msgstr "\\object"

#. type: letter
#: cover-letter.en.tex:22
msgid "\\opening{Dear \\toname,}"
msgstr "\\opening{Madame, Monsieur,}"

#. type: letter
#: cover-letter.en.tex:27
msgid ""
"I am writing on behalf of the organising committee of the 14th annual Debian "
"developers' conference, ``DebConf13''.  We would like to invite you to "
"consider the sponsorship opportunities available for this major Free "
"Software event."
msgstr ""
"Je m'adresse à vous au nom du comité d'organisation de la quatorzième "
"conférence annuelle des développeurs Debian, \\og DebConf13\\fg. Nous "
"aimerions vous inviter à considérer les opportunités de soutien financier "
"offertes par cet événement majeur de la communauté du logiciel libre."

#. type: letter
#: cover-letter.en.tex:36
msgid ""
"DebConf is the Debian Project's developer conference.  In addition to a full "
"schedule of technical, social and policy talks, DebConf provides an "
"opportunity for developers, contributors and other interested people to meet "
"in person and work together intensely.  It has taken place annually since "
"2000 in locations as varied as Scotland, Argentina, and Bosnia and "
"Herzegovina.  In August 2013, Debconf will be held for the first time in "
"Switzerland, at ``Le Camp'' in Vaumarcus."
msgstr ""
"DebConf est la conférence des développeurs du Projet Debian. En plus d'un "
"programme complet de présentations techniques, sociales et "
"organisationnelles, DebConf offre une opportunité pour les développeurs, les "
"contributeurs et autres passionnés de se rencontrer en personne et de "
"travailler ensemble intensément. DebConf a eu lieu annuellement depuis l'an "
"2000 dans des lieux aussi variés que l'Écosse, l'Argentine et la Bosnie-"
"Herzégovine. En août 2013, DebConf aura lieu pour la première fois en "
"Suisse, au « Camp » de Vaumarcus."

#. type: letter
#: cover-letter.en.tex:44
msgid ""
"While not being an academic conference, DebConf has a close association with "
"the scientific community from many universities in Europe, the USA and Latin "
"America, since many contributors who volunteer their time to Debian are "
"based in universities.  The global impact of the event has risen over the "
"years thanks to continuous support from sponsors such as HP, Google, "
"Canonical, Intel, ARM, Telefonica, O'Reilly and Nokia."
msgstr ""
"DebConf entretient une relation étroite avec le monde académique de "
"nombreuses universités en Europe, aux États-Unis et en Amérique Latine. "
"Nombreux sont en effet les contributeurs bénévoles issus du milieu "
"universitaire. L'impact global de cet événement va d'ailleurs en augmentant "
"grâce au soutien sans faille d'entreprises telles qu'HP, Google, Canonical, "
"Intel, ARM, Telefonica, O'Reilly et Nokia."

#. type: letter
#: cover-letter.en.tex:48
msgid ""
"We would be very grateful if you could find time to talk to us, so that we "
"could explain in detail the advantages and benefits that come from "
"supporting the event."
msgstr ""
"Nous serions honorés si vous pouviez nous consacrer du temps afin que nous "
"puissions vous détailler les avantages et contreparties inhérentes au "
"soutien financier d'un tel événement."

#. type: letter
#: cover-letter.en.tex:52
msgid ""
"I have attached a document with more information on DebConf and on "
"sponsorship opportunities for this year's event.  Please don't hesitate to "
"get in touch with me if you have any questions."
msgstr ""
"Vous trouverez ci-joint un document avec de plus amples informations sur "
"DebConf et sur les opportunités de soutien pour son édition 2013. N'hésitez "
"surtout pas à me contacter pour toutes questions."

#. type: letter
#: cover-letter.en.tex:54
msgid "\\closing{Yours sincerely,}"
msgstr "\\closing{Avec mes meilleures saluations,}"

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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