
Le deuxième des trois programmes est disponible. Wouter Verhelst s'était
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#use wml::debian::template title="Platform for Wouter Verhelst" BARETITLE="true" NOHEADER="true"
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/vote/"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1" maintainer=""
<h1>Platform for Wouter Verhelst</h1>
<p>I'm running for the position of DPL again. I have done this before in
2007 and 2010; this would be my third time.</p>
<p>While I have never won an election, looking at the election outcome I
don't think this was ever because people disliked me as a candidate;
rather, I think it was because there were simply better candidates.</p>
<p>So, here's for hoping that third time's a charm.</p>
<h2>Who am I, and why am I running?</h2>
<p>I have been a Debian Developer since early 2001. At the time, I was
still a student at the 'Karel de Grote-Hogeschool' in Antwerp, Belgium,
the city where I grew up. In the years since then, I've been involved in
many parts of the project: as m68k porter, buildd administrator, AM,
member of the NM frontdesk, and of the installer team, apart from of
course also maintaining my own packages. Over the years, I grew up, but
so did Debian. I'm no longer a student; I'm a self-employed consultant.
And though I'm mostly happy with the state of things as it is today,
there have always been some cases where things in Debian didn't go
exactly as I'd wanted, or hoped.</p>
<p>In 2007, I ran for DPL after one of the more controversial DPL terms
in the history of the Debian project. It should come as no surprise that
this election was also the most crowded one in the history of the
<p>Many things have changed since then. DPLs since Anthony have been
much more reluctant to propose changes. This could be a good thing; but
though I think Anthony did make some mistakes during his term, I don't
think such reluctance is <em>always</em> the correct answer to avoid
controversy. A DPL shouldn't try to push "his way or the highway", but
should also not be afraid to propose changes when and where necessary.
Of all the things one can say about Anthony Towns as DPL, one cannot say
that he did not attempt to lead. His biggest mistake, in my view, was to
try to proceed in the face of obvious and significant opposition.</p>
<p>As a result, In 2010, I ran for DPL in a completely different
atmosphere. There was nothing of the controversy that was such a major
part of the 2007 vote; there was not much disagreement about where the
project was headed. Whereas the 2007 campaigning period featured many
quesitons in the style of "how will you react to this kind of
situation", the kind of questions that I remember from 2010 was more of
the practical kind, things like "how much time will you have for DPL
work". Almost as if the job of DPL doesn't require any personal input;
as if it's a dull thing that involves nothing more than just a bit of
<p>This came to a head in last year's vote, where for the first time
in the history of the project we had an uncontested DPL "election". I
was unhappy about that; but because I didn't have the time, I didn't
run, instead trying (and failing) to <a
other people into running. While that probably reflects well on
Stefano's performance as DPL, I'm not so sure how it reflects on the
<p>I think it is clear these days that Stefano Zacchiroli, our current
DPL, is loved and respected as DPL by many Debian Developers, including
myself. Stefano has accomplished what seemed to be the impossible for
DPLs before him: to strike that perfect balance between being
transparent as project leader, without throwing things that should be
kept secret out for everyone to see.</p>
<p>But I think it's unfortunate that under Stefano, the position of DPL
seems to have been relegated to little more than an administrative job:
a person who is the first point of contact for many people outside the
project, only to then forward incoming communication to other people. A
person who will "just" ACK payments of Debian money.</p>
<p>I think the position of DPL should be more than that. It is true that
our Constitution does not grant the DPL many powers, but that doesn't
(or shouldn't) mean the DPL can't take the lead in anything. As an
elected representative, the DPL is a leader who works under the
assumption of agreement of the project as a whole. When past DPLs have
posted their 'bits from the DPL' to the debian-devel-announce
mailinglist, I have always (unconsciously) given those more attention
than other mails to that same mailinglist. Not because I like the DPL
more, but I have an expectation that a mail from the DPL will contain
more important and more interesting information than other mails.</p>
<p>I suspect I am not the only one for whom that is true. This, then, is
the real power of the DPL: the power to be listened to. As the DPL, I
think it would be my job to formulate a vision; to lead the project by
suggesting where to go next.</p>
<p>I do think that Stefano's innovations in clarity and transparency in
the position of DPL have been truly wonderful, and I do intend to talk
to him to understand his day-to-day activities as DPL, in an effort to
try to copy as much of his modus operandi as possible. But I also think
that the simple fact that a particular person was innovative as DPL
shouldn't mean we should keep him in that position forever. Not because
he's a bad DPL, but because one person can't bring new things to the job
forever. I think it is time for Stefano to step aside for someone else.
I hope to be that someone else.</p>
<h2>Where do I intend to go from here?</h2>
<p>If I say I think the DPL should promote a vision, then the obvious
first question would be what that vision for the project would have to
be; which direction I think we would need the project to take.</p>
<p>My vision for Debian's future hasn't changed much since the previous
time I ran for DPL. This should come as no surprise; the project hasn't
changed all that much in two years. I still think we need to make sure
Debian is and remains a welcoming place to work on free software. It has
been so for the past few years, for which I am grateful; but it's
important that we don't take that for granted. I don't intend to make
sweeping changes to the project&mdash;I couldn't do that if I wanted
to&mdash;but I do intend to keep a watchful eye so that the project
<em>does</em> remain the welcoming place it is today.</p>
<p>Related to this is something that's been bothering me for a while. In
talking with visitors to FOSDEM (that I am a co-organizer of, now) and
with customers, I has become clear to me over the years that Debian has
a reputation of being somewhat oldfashioned and stale. That if you want
to run the latest technologies, you should use something else. This
reputation may have been deserved when we were having trouble releasing
sarge, over half a decade ago, but it's entirely undeserved today, and I
think it's well past time that we do something about that. I will try to
work on this issue.</p>
<p>In closing, I'd like to thank you for bearing with me this long, and
urge you to vote for the candidate you think most deserving of the
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