Le paquet Debian natif kernel-package n'est pas encore traduit en français.

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Last-Translator: --> le plus souvent votre outil mettra tout seul
VOTRE adresse
Language-Team: --> mettez "French <debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org>\n"

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Les pseudo-URLs:

On désigne les documents sous forme de pseudo-URL:


 po : traduction des messages d'un programme
 po-debconf : traduction des écrans debconf d'un paquet Debian
 man : traduction d'une page de manuel

 c'est souvent le nom du paquet ou celui de la page WWW

 c'est la langue...donc en général "fr" pour le français


# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-15 22:29+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Type: text
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid "You are installing a kernel with an initrd image"
msgstr ""

#. Type: text
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"You are attempting to install an initrd kernel image (version =V) on a "
"machine currently running kernel version ${hostversion}."
msgstr ""

#. Type: text
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"I have been unable to find a suitable tool for generating initrd images (I "
"looked at the list \"${ramdisk}\") This will break the installation, unless "
"such tools are also being installed right now in the same run. (This means, "
"one from the following list ${initrddep})"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:2001 ../templates:3001 ../templates:4001 ../templates:13001
#: ../templates:14001
msgid "Do you want to abort now?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:2001 ../templates:3001 ../templates:4001
msgid ""
"You are attempting to install an initrd kernel image (version =V) This will "
"not work unless you have configured your boot loader to use initrd. (An "
"initrd image is a kernel image that expects to use an INITial Ram Disk to "
"mount a minimal root file system into RAM and use that for booting)."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:2001 ../templates:3001 ../templates:4001
msgid ""
"I repeat, You need to configure your boot loader -- please read your "
"bootloader documentation for details on how to add initrd images."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:2001 ../templates:3001 ../templates:4001
msgid ""
"If you have already done so, and you wish to get rid of this message, please "
" \"do_initrd = Yes\"\n"
"in /etc/kernel-img.conf. Note that this is optional, but if you do not, you "
"will continue to see this message whenever you install a kernel image using "
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:3001
msgid ""
"As a reminder, in order to configure LILO, you need to add an 'initrd=/"
"initrd.img' to the image=/vmlinuz stanza of your /etc/lilo.conf"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:4001
msgid ""
"As a reminder, in order to configure ELILO, you need to add an 'initrd=/"
"initrd.img' to the image=/vmlinuz stanza of your /etc/elilo.conf"
msgstr ""

#. Type: text
#. Description
#: ../templates:5001
msgid "Lilo has a ramdisk line, which should be commented or removed"
msgstr ""

#. Type: text
#. Description
#: ../templates:5001
msgid ""
"I have found a line ${LINE} in /etc/lilo.conf that should be removed or "
"commented out, since you are using initrd/initramfs."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:6001
msgid "Aborting install since loading an initrd kernel image"
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:6001
msgid ""
"You are attempting to install an initrd kernel image (version =V) This will "
"not work unless you have configured your boot loader to use initrd. (An "
"initrd image is a kernel image that expects to use an INITial Ram Disk to "
"mount a minimal root file system into RAM and use that for booting). "
"Unfortunately, since this Question pertaining to this was not shown, and the "
"default action is to abort the install. =ST-image-=V aborted."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:7001
msgid "Failed to move modules out of the way, aborting"
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:7001
msgid ""
"You are attempting to install a kernel image (version =V) However, the "
"directory ${modules_base}/=V/kernel still exists."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:7001
msgid ""
"As you have instructed, an attempt was made to move the directory out of the "
"way. Unfortunately, There was a problem moving ${modules_base}/=V to "
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:7001
msgid ""
"I suggest you move $modules_base/$version out of the way manually, and then "
"try re-installing this image."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:7001
msgid "I am aborting."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:8001
msgid "Stop install since the kernel-image is already installed?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:8001
msgid ""
"You are attempting to install a kernel image (version =V) However, the "
"directory ${modules_base}/=V/kernel still exists.  If this directory belongs "
"to a previous ${package} package, and if you have deselected some modules, "
"or installed standalone modules packages, this could be bad."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:8001
msgid ""
"If ${modules_base}/=V/kernel belongs to a old install of ${package}, then "
"this is your last chance to abort the installation of this kernel image "
"(nothing has been changed yet)."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:8001
msgid ""
"If you know what you are doing, and if you feel that this image should be "
"installed despite this anomaly, Please answer n to the question."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:8001
msgid ""
"Otherwise, I suggest you move ${modules_base}/=V/kernel out of the way, "
"perhaps to ${modules_base}/=V.kernel.old or something, and then try re-"
"installing this image."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:9001
msgid "Aborting install since modules exist"
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:9001
msgid ""
"You are attempting to install an initrd kernel image (version =V). However, "
"the corresponding kernel modules directory exists, and there was no "
"permission given to silently delete the modules directory.  Unfortunately, "
"since this Question pertaining to this was not shown, and the default action "
"is to abort the install. =ST-image-=V aborted."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:10001
msgid "The kernel version running is the same as the one being installed"
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:10001
msgid ""
"You are attempting to install a kernel version that is the same as the "
"version you are currently running (version ${running}). The modules list is "
"quite likely to have been changed, and the modules dependency file "
"${modules_base}/=V/modules.dep needs to be re-built. It can not be built "
"correctly right now, since the module list for the running kernel are likely "
"to be different from the kernel installed. I am creating a new modules.dep "
"file, but that may not be correct. It shall be regenerated correctly at next "
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:10001
msgid ""
"I repeat: you have to reboot in order for the modules file to be created "
"correctly. Until you reboot, it may be impossible to load some modules. "
"Reboot as soon as this install is finished (Do not reboot right now, since "
"you may not be able to boot back up until installation is over, but boot "
"immediately after). I can not stress that too much. You need to reboot soon."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:11001
msgid "Create a symbolic link to the current kernel image?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:11001
msgid ""
"I notice that you do not have ${kimage} symbolic link. I can create one for "
"you, and it shall be updated by newer kernel image packages. This is useful "
"if you use a boot loader like lilo."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:12001
msgid "Image symbolic link destination is a directory, aborting"
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:12001
msgid ""
"${kimage} is a directory, which I did not expect.  I am trying to create a "
"symbolic link with that name linked to ${image_dest}. Since a directory "
"exists here, my assumptions are way off, and I am aborting."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:13001
msgid ""
"This may be benign, (You may have versioned symbol names, for instance). Or "
"this could be an error. depmod exited with return value ${exit_value} "
"${SIGNAL}${CORE}. I am deleting the file ${modules_base}/=V/modules.dep. "
"However, since depmod is run at install time, we could just defer running "
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:14001
msgid ""
"This may be benign, (You may have versioned symbol names, for instance). Or "
"this could be an error. depmod exited with return value ${exit_value} . "
"${SIGNAL} ${CORE} Since this image uses initrd, I am not deleting the file "
"${modules_base}/=V/modules.dep. However, there is no guarantee that the file "
"is valid. I would strongly advice you to either abort and fix the errors in "
"depmod, or regenerate the initrd image with a known good modules.dep file. I "
"repeat, an initrd kernel image with a bad modules.dep shall fail to boot."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:15001 ../templates:16001
msgid "Should the old initrd link be deleted now?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:15001
msgid ""
"I note that you have an old initrd symbolic link in place. The name of the "
"symbolic link is being changed to initrd.img. If the old link is deleted, "
"you may have to update the boot loader. If the link is left in place, it "
"will point to the wrong image."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:16001
msgid ""
"I note that you have an old ${image_dir}/initrd symbolic link in place.  The "
"location of the symbolic link is now the same location as the kernel image "
"symbolic links, namely, in ${image_dest}.  If the old link is deleted, you "
"may have to update the boot loader. If the link is left in place, it will "
"point to the wrong image."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:17001
msgid "Should the old /System.map link be deleted now?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:17001
msgid ""
"You have /System.map symbolic link. These were installed by ancient kernel "
"image packages. However, all the programs that look at the information in "
"the map files (including top, ps, and klogd) also will look at /boot/System."
"map-=V Having the symbolic link in / is technically detrimental (apart from "
"cluttering up /); many programs, though looking in /boot, still allow /"
"System.map to override. If you install multiple kernels on this machine, "
"then the /System.map symbolic link only applies to one such kernel, for all "
"other choices the symbols loaded will be wrong. Not having /System.map at "
"all prevents this."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:18001
msgid "Run the default bootloader?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:18001
msgid ""
"The default boot loader for this architecture is $loader, which is present. "
"However, you have not explicitly requested the boot loader $loader should be "
"run in the configuration file /etc/kernel-img.conf, and you seem to have "
"grub installed, and have set a postinst hook (which is used to hook in grub "
"after a kernel image installation). At this point, it is perfectly likely "
"that this system is using grub as a bootloader, and not the builtin default "
"of $loader. If that is the case, running $loader instead of grub might make "
"the machine unbootable. I need to know whether to run the default bootloader "
"$loader, or just let the postinst hook script update grub later. The default "
"is to run $loader."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:19001 ../templates:20001
msgid "Error running the boot loader in test mode."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:19001
msgid ""
"An error occurred while running the boot loader ${loader} in test mode. A "
"log is available in ${temp_file_name}. Please edit /etc/${loader}.conf "
"manually and re-run ${loader}, or make other arrangements to boot your "
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:20001
msgid ""
"An error occurred while running the boot loader ${loader}. A log is "
"available in ${temp_file_name}. Please edit /etc/${loader}.conf manually and "
"re-run ${loader}, or make other arrangements to boot your machine."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:21001 ../templates:22001
msgid "Do you want to abort removal now?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:21001
msgid ""
"You are running a kernel (version ${running}) and attempting to remove the "
"same version. This is a potentially disastrous action. Not only will /boot/"
"vmlinuz-${running} be removed, making it impossible to boot it, (you will "
"have to take action to change your boot loader to boot a new kernel), it "
"will also remove all modules under the directory /lib/modules/${running}. "
"Just having a copy of the kernel image is not enough, you will have to "
"replace the modules too."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:21001
msgid ""
"I repeat, this is very dangerous. If at all in doubt, answer Yes. If you "
"know exactly what you are doing, and are prepared to hose your system, then "
"answer No."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:22001
msgid ""
"You have a valid /etc/${loader}.conf file that mentions ${kimage}-=V.  "
"Removing =ST-image-=V would invalidate that file. (you will have to edit /"
"etc/${loader}.conf or re-target symbolic links mentioned there (typically, /"
"vmlinuz and /vmlinuz.old) to not refer to ${kimage}-=V and will have to re-"
"run ${loader})."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:22001
msgid ""
"I repeat: you shall have to make changes to your boot loader setup and will "
"have to re-run ${loader}."
msgstr ""

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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