
Ci-joint la 8e DPN à traduire (version du 6 août 10:02).

Merci au traducteur de répondre par ITT.

Simon Paillard
#use wml::debian::projectnews::header PUBDATE="2008-08-04" SUMMARY="Lenny frozen, Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 updated to include support for newer hardware, Schedule for 8th annual Debian Conference announced, Debian Days around the world"

<p>Welcome to this year's 8th issue of DPN, the newsletter for the Debian
community.<br />
Some of the topics covered in this issue include:</p>
  <li><q>Lenny</q> frozen</li>
  <li>Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 updated to include support for newer hardware</li>
  <li>Schedule for 8th annual Debian Conference announced</li>
  <li>Debian Days around the world</li>
  <li>... and much more.</li>

<p><strong>"Lenny" frozen</strong></p>
<p>Marc Brockschmidt, a Release Manager, announced that <q>Lenny</q>, the
upcoming new stable release, has been <a href="";>frozen</a>
as <a href="";>planned</a>.
The automatic transition of new versions of packages from the development
branch (<q>sid</q> or <q>unstable</q>) to the current testing branch
(<q>lenny</q>) has been stopped and new versions of packages need manual
approval.  New versions which fix release critical bugs, other important bugs,
add documentation, or include translation fixes can be approved by the release
team upon request.</p>
<p>Lenny is still scheduled to be released in September 2008.</p>

<p><strong>Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 updated to include support for newer hardware</strong></p>
<p>The Debian project <a href="";>released</a> an updated version
of its current stable release Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 <q>etch</q> called <q>etch
and a half</q>.  While this update mainly includes security fixes and fixes for
severe bugs, the Debian project has for the first time also added support for
newer hardware by adding new drivers with updated Linux kernel and
packages.  The new drivers are optional and the old versions will still be

<p>Detailed upgrade instructions are available in the respective <a href="";>announcement</a>, the
<a href="";>etch and a half release notes</a> and the
<a href="";>etch and a half installation guide</a>.</p>

<p><strong>Schedule for 8th annual Debian Conference announced</strong></p>

<p>J&ouml;rg Jaspert <a href="";>announced</a> the
<a href="";>schedule</a> the 8th annual Debian Conference which will be held
from August 10th to August 16th, 2008 in Mar del Plata, Argentina. As usual the schedule should considered a
&quot;work in progress&quot; as session slots will be filled during the conference with spontaneous sessions, 
including so called BoF (&quot;Birds of a feather&quot;) sessions.</p>
<p>For those who can't attend the conference physically, the DebConf video team
will try to stream all sessions, so interested people can point their media
player (e.g. <a href="";>xine</a> or <a href="";>totem</a>)
to <a href="";></a>
and <a href="";></a>.
Users in North America, Europe and Australia should use, and, respectively, with the corresponding
<p>IRC channels which can be used to participate in discussion sessions will be
announced separately; a schedule with times in UTC is in preparation. After
DebConf8 the sessions will also be available as videos at
<a href="";></a>,
where you can also find older DebConf videos.</p>

<p>In related news, the organizers of the Debian Conference are soliciting
<a href="";>location proposals</a>
for the 10th annual Debian Conference to be held in
2010.  Groups interested in hosting the 10th DebConf conference should prepare
their proposal according to this <a href="";>checklist</a> and
send it to <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>.</p>

<p><strong>Debian Days around the world</strong></p>
<p>Debian users around the world are preparing to celebrate the <a href="";>15th 
anniversary of the Debian project</a> on August 16th 2008. Currently Debian Days are planned in Nicaragua, 
Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Chile, Argentina and eight different locations in Brazil. Apart from general 
celebration, the Debian Days will feature install fests, talks, discussion panels, LAN parties, Debian 
merchandise, software demonstrations, advanced installation workshops, knowledge exchange, and much 
<p>The Brazilian Portuguese event will be transmitted on-line by and torrents 
will be available after. Other Brazilian Debian User Groups interested in their own event 
transmissions may visit the event page for details.</p>

<p><strong>Limited Xen support in Lenny</strong></p>
<p>A recent discussion on the debian-devel list highlighted that due to the 
upstream delays in getting Xen support integrated into kernels beyond 2.6.18, 
Lenny will need to ship with limited Xen support.  Pasi K&auml;rkk&auml;inen explained 
<a href="";>the situation</a>
and Bastian Blank wrote <a href="";>an article</a>
about the options the Debian Project has. His conclusion is to support a 2.6.18 kernel in Lenny, 
until <q>lenny-and-a-half</q> adds better Xen support.  However, the release managers 
have not yet made a final decision.</p>

<p><strong>Screenshots of GUI applications</strong></p>
<p>Roberto Sanchez <a href="";>raised the
topic of screenshots for GUI applications</a>.  Since it's often difficult to
judge a package based only on the textual package description, he suggested
being able to add screenshots of specific applications to Debian. This would
allow package search and maintenance tools to show the user what can be
expected from a specific package.</p>
<p>During the discussion Raphael Hertzog
<a href="";>remarked about
a previous discussion during the 6th Debian Conference</a> and Paul Wise
<a href="";>added</a> that the
Debian Package Games Team already creates screenshots for their games which are
available in the <a href="";>games-thumbnails</a>
package, and are used by <a href="";>goplay</a>,
a debtags-based browser for game-related packages.  Jon Dowland
<a href="";>pointed out
that there may be possible legal issues</a>, since screenshots could be seen as
derivative works of the original application in some legislations.</p>

<p><strong>Bits from the Debian Eee PC team</strong></p>
<p>Ben Armstrong <a href="";>reported</a>
on the current activities of the <a href="";>Debian Eee PC team</a>: Debian's next
release Lenny will work with all of the earliest models of the Eee PC and the
Eee PC team hopes to soon realize its goal of a completely DFSG free system for
the earliest models of the Eee Pc. Newer models are now able to install using
the atl1e ethernet driver from; support for wireless and other
aspects of the new hardware will follow soon. The wireless custom
Debian-installer is also making good progress. There are currently two
Debian-live USB images available: a demo of the <a href="";>LXDE
desktop</a> (a lightweight desktop environment that is made with the Eee PC in
mind) and a minimal console-only image for rescue/backup. The team is also
always looking for new members to contribute to Debian's support for the Eee

<p><strong>SELinux and lenny</strong></p>
<p>Russel Coker <a href="";>gave</a>
<a href="";>several</a> <a
on security enhanced Linux in the upcoming stable release of Debian GNU/Linux
5.0 <q>Lenny</q>.</p>

<p><strong>adept package manager alpha release of version 3.0</strong></p>
<p>Petr Rockai gave a <a href="";>report</a> about his
work on a rewritten version of adept, a package management tool for KDE.  He
points out that the new version of adept has improved upon the speed,
reliability and user experience of previous versions.  Notable among the new
features he added are full text searching and handling of interactive
installation prompts (for example, debconf prompts and dpkg prompts about
changed configuration files).</p>

<p><strong>Debian Project at FrOSCon 2008</strong></p>
<p>From Saturday the 23rd of August 2008 to Sunday the 24th of August 2008, the
Debian Project will participate with a booth at Free and Open Source Software
Conference 2008 in St. Augustin, Germany. Please see the respective
<a href="";>events page</a> for
further details.</p>

<p><strong>Other news</strong></p>

<p>Stefano Zacchiroli
<a href="";>reminded</a>
package maintainers that the old pseudo-header for upstream Homepages in the
package description has been replaced by a proper header which should now be
used instead.</p>

<p>Ian Jackson <a href="";>pointed
out</a> how to properly rename a package to ease the transition of other
package's dependencies upon the renamed package.</p>

<p>Christian von Essen <a href="";>reported</a>
about his <a href="";>Google Summer of
Code project</a> the <a href="";><q>Ultimate Debian
Database</q></a>, which combines Debian information from various sources. He's
also looking for <a href="";>example
queries</a> to allow for further testing of his database layout.</p>

<p><strong>New and noteworthy packages</strong></p>

<p>By popular request, DPN will once again feature a list of new and noteworthy
packages that have recently been added to the unstable branch. The list will
feature editorial picks from the official list of <a href="";>new packages</a> and
will be appended to each issue of Debian Project News.</p>

<li><a href="";>\
	almanah -- application to ease management of a personal diary</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	amora-server -- use a bluetooth enabled mobile phone as desktop remote control</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	bzr-cvsps-import -- CVS to Bazaar importer</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	cnee -- X event recorder/replayer - command-line flavor</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	gecko-mediaplayer -- Media plug-in for Gecko browsers</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	gnee -- X event recorder/replayer - GUI flavor</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	gnome-mplayer -- A simple GUI for MPlayer</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	gpsdrive-data -- Car naviagion system</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	gptsync -- GPT and MBR partition tables synchronisation tool</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	ia32-apt-get -- Apt-get and dpkg wrapper for on-the-fly ia32-libs conversion</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	jabberd2 -- Jabber instant messenger server</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	jifty -- perl web MVC framework</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	link-monitor-applet-common -- GNOME Panel Applet with graph of round-trip times to hosts (data)</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	maq -- maps short fixed-legth polymporphic DNA sequence reads to reference sequences</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	midori -- Fast and lightweight web browser</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	postgresql-8.3-plr -- Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL 8.3 and R</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	singular -- A commutative algebra system</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	strace64 -- A system call tracer for 64bit binaries</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	topal -- Links Pine and GnuPG together</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	trac-accountmanager -- account management plugin for Trac</a></li>
<li><a href="";>\
	zope-formulator -- tool to create and validate web forms in zope</a></li>

<p><strong>Important Debian Security Advisories</strong></p>
<p>Debian's Security Team recently released advisories for these packages (among others): <a href="";>libgd</a>,
<a href="";>iceweasel</a>,
<a href="";>xulrunner </a>,
<a href="";>clamav</a>,
<a href="";>python2.5</a>,
<a href="";>icedove</a> and
<a href="";>cupsys</a>.
Please read them carefully and take the proper measures.</p>

<p>Please note that those are only the most important security advisories of
the last two weeks.  If you would like to be kept up to date about the security
advisories released by the Debian Security Team, please subscribe to the
<a href="";>mailing list for
security announcements.</a></p>

<p><strong>Work-needing packages</strong></p>
<p>Currently 461 packages are orphaned and 118 packages are up for adoption.
Please take a look at the <a href="";>recent</a>
<a href="";>reports</a>
to see if there are packages you are interested in or view the complete list of
<a href="";>packages which need
your help</a>.</p>

<p><strong>Want to continue reading DPN?</strong></p>
<p>Please help us create this newsletter. We still need more volunteer writers
to watch the Debian community and report about what is going on. Please see the
<a href="";>contributing
page</a> to find out how to help. We're looking forward to receiving your mail
at <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>.</p>

#use wml::debian::projectnews::footer editor="Don Armstrong, Andre Felipe Machado, Graham Cobb, Paul van der Vlis, Meike Reichle, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl"

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