Christian PERRIER wrote:
> (I didn't review the package description)

The descriptions in the linux-2.6 family don't obey the d-l-e "house
style" (they talk about flavoUrs, doublespace their sentences, and
so on) but I don't see anything that matters.

>  Template: linux-base/disk-id-convert-auto
>   The new Linux kernel version provides different drivers for some
> + PATA (IDE) controllers. The names of some hard disk, CD-ROM and
>   tape devices may change.

There's one opportunity for me to add a serial comma ----------^

In my case the name of my IOmega Zip drive changed too.  Yes, I
only had it installed on that machine to see if it would cause
trouble, and it still worked as /dev/sdc1.  Mind you, I imagine it
would be a bit of a pain assigning labels to a pile of 100MB
removable zip-disks if dosfslabel's still buggy (#506786).

You missed an id here:
>  Template: linux-base/disk-id-convert-plan-no-relabel
>   The device ids will be changed as follows:

>  Template: linux-base/disk-id-manual-boot-loader
> + You should identify these devices by UUID or label, with the
> + noticeable exception of the root device for MIPS systems.
> +

Make that "notable exception" (and lose the trailing blank line).
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
--- ../linux-2.6-2.6.32.pristine/debian/linux-base.templates    2010-03-31 
10:33:56.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/linux-base.templates 2010-03-31 11:38:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
 Template: linux-base/disk-id-convert-auto
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-Description: Update disk device ids in system configuration?
+_Description: Update disk device IDs in system configuration?
  The new Linux kernel version provides different drivers for some
- PATA (IDE) controllers.  The names of some hard disk, CD-ROM and
+ PATA (IDE) controllers. The names of some hard disk, CD-ROM, and
  tape devices may change.
- You are recommended to identify disk devices in configuration files
+ It is now recommended to identify disk devices in configuration files
  by label or UUID (unique identifier) rather than by device name,
- which will work with both old and new kernel versions.  Your system
- configuration can be updated automatically in most cases.
+ which will work with both old and new kernel versions.
+ .
+ The system configuration can be updated automatically in most cases.
+ Please choose whether you want this action to be performed.
 Template: linux-base/disk-id-convert-plan
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-Description: Apply these configuration changes to disk device ids?
+_Description: Apply configuration changes to disk device IDs?
  These devices will be assigned UUIDs or labels:
@@ -23,26 +26,40 @@
- The device ids will be changed as follows:
+ The device IDs will be changed as follows:
 Template: linux-base/disk-id-convert-plan-no-relabel
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-Description: Apply these configuration changes to disk device ids?
+_Description: Apply these configuration changes to disk device IDs?
  These configuration files will be updated:
- The device ids will be changed as follows:
+ The device IDs will be changed as follows:
 Template: linux-base/disk-id-manual
-Type: note
-Description: Please check these configuration files before rebooting
- These configuration files still use some device names that may
+Type: error
+_Description: Configuration files still contain deprecated device names
+ The following configuration files still use some device names that may
  change when using the new kernel:
+Template: linux-base/disk-id-manual-boot-loader
+Type: error
+_Description: Boot loader configuration check needed
+ The boot loader configuration for this system was not recognised. These
+ settings in the configuration may need to be updated:
+ .
+  * The root device ID passed as a kernel parameter;
+  * The boot device ID used to install and update the boot loader.
+ .
+ You should identify these devices by UUID or label, with the
+ notable exception of the root device for MIPS systems.
Template: linux-base/disk-id-convert-auto
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Update disk device IDs in system configuration?
 The new Linux kernel version provides different drivers for some
 PATA (IDE) controllers. The names of some hard disk, CD-ROM, and
 tape devices may change.
 It is now recommended to identify disk devices in configuration files
 by label or UUID (unique identifier) rather than by device name,
 which will work with both old and new kernel versions.
 The system configuration can be updated automatically in most cases.
 Please choose whether you want this action to be performed.

Template: linux-base/disk-id-convert-plan
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Apply configuration changes to disk device IDs?
 These devices will be assigned UUIDs or labels:
 These configuration files will be updated:
 The device IDs will be changed as follows:

Template: linux-base/disk-id-convert-plan-no-relabel
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Apply these configuration changes to disk device IDs?
 These configuration files will be updated:
 The device IDs will be changed as follows:

Template: linux-base/disk-id-manual
Type: error
_Description: Configuration files still contain deprecated device names
 The following configuration files still use some device names that may
 change when using the new kernel:

Template: linux-base/disk-id-manual-boot-loader
Type: error
_Description: Boot loader configuration check needed
 The boot loader configuration for this system was not recognised. These
 settings in the configuration may need to be updated:
  * The root device ID passed as a kernel parameter;
  * The boot device ID used to install and update the boot loader.
 You should identify these devices by UUID or label, with the
 notable exception of the root device for MIPS systems.

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