On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 01:15 +0100, Eugen Dedu wrote:
> Thanks for the fast help.
> I have just executed 'dpkg -P linux-base'.  So it is now safe to reboot
> computer (after having issued 'lilo' too), is that right?

Should be.

> I ask this because I see that the "dpkg -P" above reput the old version
> of /etc/ files, but it seems that not all of them.  fstab is identical
> to fstab.old, but blkid.tab for ex. is not identical to blkid.tab:

linux-base does not modify /etc/blkid.tab (at least, not directly).
That must have been changed by something else.

> There was also a file under udev modified, if I remember correctly, but
> I do not see which one in /etc/udev/

That would be /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules


Ben Hutchings
Horngren's Observation:
                   Among economists, the real world is often a special case.

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