dann frazier <da...@debian.org> writes:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:01:11PM -0600, Michael Ekstrand wrote:
>> Package: linux-image-2.6.26-1-amd64
>> Version: 2.6.26-12
>> Severity: important
>> For some time now, I have been experiencing kernel panics (system
>> frozen, caps lock LED blinking) when using my Intel 4965AGN wireless
>> card (in a Thinkpad R61).  I have only noticed the problems when
>> connected to my school's WPA-PEAP network.  It usually works for some
>> time and then panics; I am running in X11, so I do not have a dump
>> available presently.  I have no problems when wireless is disabled.
>> Based on the timing and the varying natures of networks in which I have
>> and have not observed the problem, I suspect that it is being triggered
>> by roaming between access points on the same network.  I do not know if
>> the problem persists or not when using a multi-AP unsecured network.  I
>> have no problems on my home network, which is secured with WPA-PSK and
>> has a single access point.  I am using wpa_supplicant in roaming mode to
>> manage wireless connectivity.
>> I am using firmware from the firmware-iwlwifi package version 0.14.
> hey Michael,
>  Please capture and include the panic message.
> Does this go away if you use a snapshot 2.6.28 build?

I have run in a text console most of yesterday afternoon and this
morning in an attempt to capture the panic, but it has not crashed in
this period (which surprises me, as it usually crashes frequently enough
that I should have seen a problem, unless it is not coming to light due
to significantly reduced network usage while not in X11).

I also ran yesterday, both in X11 and in the console, with the iwl4965
loaded with debug=1, and never got a panic.

I have tried to get a netconsole running, but so far have had no
success.  If I can get a crash with debug=1 this afternoon, I'll post
any additional info it yields; otherwise, I'll try either the updated
firmware or the snapshot build and see if I can last tomorrow without

If there are any other particular things I can/should try, let me know.

- Michael

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