found 506419 2.6.26-8

Bastian Blank helpfully diagnosed the problem to be with the
forcedeth driver. He pointed me at commit edcfe5f[0], which should
be in, but apparently it's either not present in Debian's
2.6.26-10 package, or it does not fix the bug entirely.


The issue doesn't seem new[1] and Bastian thinks it might have to
do with bridging, which is in fact being used on my system.


khyber:~# brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
br0             8000.003048c2f5e8       no              eth0

He suggests it's to do with checksum offloading and asked me to
experiment with disabling the offloading:

  khyber:~# ethtool --show-offload eth0
  Offload parameters for eth0:
  rx-checksumming: on
  tx-checksumming: on
  scatter-gather: on
  tcp segmentation offload: on
  udp fragmentation offload: off
  generic segmentation offload: on

  khyber:~# ethtool --show-offload br0
  Offload parameters for br0:
  Cannot get device rx csum settings: Operation not supported
  rx-checksumming: off
  tx-checksumming: on
  scatter-gather: on
  tcp segmentation offload: on
  udp fragmentation offload: off
  generic segmentation offload: off

The problem goes away if I turn all features off, on either one
interface, or on both together, e.g.

  khyber:~# i=eth0; set -x; for s in rx tx sgo tso ufo gso; do ethtool -K $i $s 
off; done; set +x
  + for s in rx tx sgo tso ufo gso
  + ethtool -K eth0 rx off
  + for s in rx tx sgo tso ufo gso
  + ethtool -K eth0 tx off
  + for s in rx tx sgo tso ufo gso
  + ethtool -K eth0 sgo off
  no offload settings changed
  + for s in rx tx sgo tso ufo gso
  + ethtool -K eth0 tso off
  + for s in rx tx sgo tso ufo gso
  + ethtool -K eth0 ufo off
  Cannot set device udp large send offload settings: Operation not supported
  + for s in rx tx sgo tso ufo gso
  + ethtool -K eth0 gso off
  + set +x

The problem can indeed be fixed with

  ethtool -K eth0 tx off

or so it seems. Unfortunately, this reduces the throughput rate by
a noticeable amount.

The problem also exists with 2.6.26-8, although I have not noticed
it before last night's upgrade to -10.

Thanks, Bastian,

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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