Dear Maximilian,

first of all many thanks for your so quick answer.

Unfortunately, upgrading to 2.6.15 didn't solve my problem.
Messages in /var/log/dmesg (or boot or syslog) are just the same, there is an error while loading the ali5451 module. But as at last it achieve to be loaded, alsa, play command etc. are OK and do not detect any arror. But no sound is outputted. Just the same as in 2.6.14.

[As a funny border effect, my integrated keyboard and touchpad (I'm on a PackardBell iGo 6571 laptop) do work under 2.6.15, that's great. And my external USB mouse still works also, but I've lost my external keyboard (PS/2 to USB)... The adaptator is well detected but keyboard no longer works. That sould be a different bug report so don't matter, I just notice it as this is a difference between 2.6.14 (external mouse & kbd work but not internal kbd & touchpad) and 2.6.15 (internal kbd & touchpad fine, external USB mouse OK, but no external USB kbd).]

The sound problem really seems to be related to ali5451 module, did anything changed into it from 2.6.14 to 2.6.15 ?

Have a good day,



maximilian attems wrote:
On Thu, 29 Dec 2005, Laurent Neiger wrote:


Since I upgraded from linux-image-2.6.12 to linux-image-2.6.14 my ali5451 soundcard is no more able of playing any sound... I've tried all the successives revisions of 2.6.14 but it really seems it's since the change 2.6.12/2.6.14 that the module is no longer loading properly.

please try the 2.6.15 rc kernel in experimental.
2.6.15 will soon be released and replace 2.6.14


#                    |   Centre Reseau & Informatique Commun       #
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