
maximilian attems wrote:
cher Laurent!

And furthermore you know french ! Whaoo :-)

hmm that is an usb driver.
we only disabled CONFIG_USB_BANDWIDTH two days ago,
so not yet uploaded, might be related.

Ho yes, possible...

please monitor experimental and feedback if next kernel upload
solves your problem.

Yes I'll check for releases and I'll do feedback you if solved, be sure.

if not you may need to bug report to the alsa folks.

Yes I've thought about it, but then thought alsa seems to work properly (to its point of view I mean ;-) ) and feel happy, and for managing that soundcard it only relies on the ali5451 module. The module notifies an error and log it, but doesn't refuse to load, so alsa goes on... But I suppose even if it's a kernel module, this driver is probably developped by alsa team so I'll follow this track if it's not that usb switch which does the trick.

Once again many thanks for your help.

I wish you having a great 31's evening (night ? 1st's morning ? ;-) ) and in advance a happy new year (will not be at work tomorrow...)

See You,


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