Control: forwarded -1

On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 08:06:18PM +0100, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
> Control: affects -1 src:mariadb
> Control: tags -1 + confirmed
> Control: severity -1 critical
> Seeing this too. We have two standalone systems running the stock
> bookworm MariaDB and the opensource network management system LibreNMS,
> which is quite write-heavy. After some time (sometimes a couple of
> hours, sometimes 1-2 days) all connection slots to the database are
> full.
> When you kill one client process you can connect and issue "show
> processlist", you see all slots busy with easy update/select queries
> that have been running for hours. You need to SIGKILL mariadbd to
> recover.
> The last two days our colleagues running a Galera cluster (unsure about
> the version, inquiring) have been affected by this as well. They found
> an mariadb bug report about this.
> Since there have been reports about data loss I think it warrants
> increasing the severity to critical.
> I'm not 100% sure about -30 though, we have been downgrading the
> production system to -28 and upgraded the test system to -30, and both
> are working fine. The test system has less load though, and I trust the
> reports here that -30 is still broken.

I would be interested to know if someone is able to reproduce the
issue more in under lab conditions, which would enable us to bisect
the issue.

As a start I set the above issue as a forward, to have the issues
linked (and we later on can update it to the linux upstream report).


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