On Fri, Aug 06, 2004 at 09:51:02AM +0200, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> Hi,
> Sven Luther writes:
> > Still, the kernel-patch package should be able to make the upgrade,
> > since it contains the patchset betweem the version of kernel-source
> > the user has, and the last one.
> That's exactly how it's done.  More precisely, the apply script in
> kernel-patch-debian does this work.
> > He needs to unapply the veersion he has, and reapply the latest one,
> > right ?
> No, it uses the list-patches script to figure out which patches it has
> to apply in which order and in which direction.

So, i still don't understand what is broken. Well, broken in such a way that
it can't be fixed, naturally.


Sven Luther

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