Martin Steigerwald - 22.12.24, 12:28:44 MEZ:
> Frank Mehnert - 22.12.24, 09:47:41 MEZ:
> > Unrelated topic: Since kmail was upgraded, the fonts in the message
> > view look "rough". See attached part of a screenshot (sorry for the
> > attachment). Doesn't matter if I use the fixed font (Hack) or the
> > normal one (Noto Sans). In the font setting dialog both fonts look
> > smooth!
> Strange.
> Just looks fine here.
> Even with fractional scaling 150%.

Wait a moment.

With "Inter" font… not sure whether it is font independent at all when I 
scroll with the mouse wheel in the mail I see a similar effect to what you 
have in your screenshot in one line of the text at one scroll step. Once I 
scroll a step up and down the line looks normal again. I can reproduce 
this with several mails.

But it is just in one line and it appears as if two lines of pixels are 
squeezed into one line of pixels.

But still, there is something odd there. Maybe in my case it is just some 
rounding issue with fractional scaling. Your screenshot looks like if anti 
aliasing is completely off.

Martin - please no carbon copy to me

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