Martin Steigerwald - 18.12.24, 18:45:54 MEZ:
> As SQLite3 is the new recommended engine, it might be good to migrate
> at some point in time. But right now I can mostly only tell about my
> own experience… so if someone feels adventurous, give it a try and
> please report back. You help to get a clearer picture on how well it
> works in general. If you rather like to keep your current engine… sure
> I fully sympathize. Never change (and possibly break) a running system
> 🙂

One little addition to that:

I recommend first upgrading to KDEPIM 24.12 and use it for a while.

Then in case you choose to, migrate to SQLite 3.

If you do both changes at once or very quickly one after another it would 
be more difficult to tell for any possible issues where they come from.

Change one thing at a time :).


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