Martin Steigerwald - 26.11.24, 10:24:23 MEZ:
> I also upgraded one pure unstable machine with Plasma 5. apt wanted to
> removed plasma-workspace and kde-plasma-desktop. I installed
> plasma-workspace afterwards again as I had no Plasma session in SDDM to
> choose from after reboot. I installed kde-plasma-desktop afterwards
> again as I only had a black screen with working krunner but no Plasma
> desktop with background after just installing plasma-workspace.
> Both meta packages are needed.
> It is unclear to me on why apt wanted to remove those essential meta
> packages as they were perfectly installable.

Maybe the reason is as easy as mirror not yet having been complete. I 
upgraded again after the major upgrade and plasma-desktop was upgraded to 
6.2.3-1. So maybe some temporary not yet all was complete thing.

Look carefully whether apt wants to remove plasma-workspace and
kde-plasma-desktop. If it does for testing purposes it would be kind of 
you could wait a bit more to see whether it goes through at a later time. 
Otherwise make sure you install them again.

Martin - please no carbon copy to me

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